Witch Bells & Windchimes Witch bells were traditionally hung in doorways or over the hearth, as a charm, to protect the home from evil spirits, curses and any negativity! The tinkling of the bells is said to drive bad spirits away! Hang near your front or back door if you can, and it will ensure that only goodness and kindness will enter your home. My witch bells are hand-made, traditionally, and consecrated, for each Sabbat, and no two are ever alike. Price: £9.99
Witch bells, Yule, approx. 7 inches in diameter, with ivy and holly, besom, and sun and Triple Go...
Price: £11.00
Witchbells, Samhain, decorated with leaves, charms and black flowers.
Price: £9.99
,Tree of Life, Windchimes, hang in the window or by the door, to clear negativity or represent th...
Price: £6.99
Witch Bells, small, dried flowers. Small, rustic Witch Bells with Besom and dried flowers a...
Price: £20.00
Witch bells, Suncatcher. Large, Witch Bells, Purple Pentacle and Triple Goddess symbols..
Price: £6.00
Witch Bells, Autumn Equinox. Small, decorated rustic, witch bells, with Besom and Toa...
Price: £12.00
Witch bells, Summer Solstice. Large, decorated with Besom and yellow and white roses.
Price: £17.99
Large Witch bells with ivy trim, wheat, artificial flowers, bells, keys, corn Dolly, hagstone, be...
Price: £9.99
Imbolc Wreath. Not Witch Bells as such, but a hand-made Imbolc wreath, 30cm in diamet...
Price: £9.99
Witch Bells, Ostara. Pretty Ostara Witch Bells with flowers and charms.
Price: £7.99
Witch Bells, Healing, Hanging Charm. Folk Magick, healing, hanging Witch bells charm, infus...
Price: £15.00
Witch Bells, Protection. Hand-made, with a protection spell woven into each piece, Witch be...