< Go Back The Autumn Equinox The wheel has turned to the time of the Autumn Equinox, known by some, as Mabon, or Alban Elfed by the Druids. This Sabbat falls on or around 21st September, and marks the start of Autumn and the time in our calendar when we have equal lengths of light and dark. It is a time of perfect balance, masculine, feminine, fire, water; when the hours of day and night are the same, before we start the long, slow descent again into darkness, and cold; when everything returns to the Earth, whence it came. However, before that happens the Goddess likes to put on a show! Leaves turn red, gold and copper and berries and fruits are in abundance. It is the time of the second harvest - for berries, nuts, fruit and vegetables. Everything we have grown, or achieved since we first put our plans into action at Imbolc, can be harvested, and we give thanks for it! It is a time to sit back and rest, reflect, to cast off what will no longer serve us as we go into Winter, a time to declutter, but also to take the light of Summer and our harvest with us to sustain us. The perfect time to evaluate and bring balance into our lives by casting off and leaving behind any old habits that no longer serve you.Colours can be red, gold, and brown, black and white candles to symbolise dark and light, and it is nice to decorate your altar with fruits, or even a cornucopia. If you forage in the hedgerows do not take too much, as these fruits and berries are vital to wildlife remember! Apples are always a symbol of the Mabon or Equinox altar, and outside in the garden, now is the best time to choose and plant Spring bulbs in your garden, for next year. Take a walk out in nature to appreciate all the beautiful colours of nature, but above all, have a wonderful Autumn Equinox!