< Go Back Ostara, The Spring Equinox The wheel turns once more towards the 21st of March, Ostara, which marks the first day of Spring, on our calendars, and is, astronomically -speaking, the time when night and day are of equal balance, and length. Also referred to as Alban Eilir, by Druids. Day and night, light and dark, from now on in the northern hemisphere, light will increase, and all around us nature is positively exploding! All the promise of Imbolc has now come to fruition. The first flowers, such as bright yellow daffodils, and primroses are everywhere, and the first green buds of leaves. The birds are setting up territories, singing and finding mates, and lambs are being born.The Goddess Ostara or Eostre, (from where the Christians get the word Easter, and we also get the word Oestrogen) is sacred at this time, symbolized by a hare. It is said she has the head and shoulders of this beautiful animal. If you are lucky you may be able to see hares. 'boxing' in the fields, as the females try to ward off the attention of overly amorous males!
Also symbolic, are of course eggs, the symbol of new life. Bury a raw one by your front door, for good luck and prosperity all year.
For your altar, colours such as yellow and mauve, also feathers, eggs and hare statues are appropriate, with perhaps daffodils, or yellow and mauve primroses too.
Any plans you started at Imbolc you can really get going on now, and make the most of the lighter evenings by sorting out the garden before the weeds really take a hold. All is fresh, new and exciting, and I wish you all a very happy and Blessed Ostara and Spring Equinox.